Results for 'S. K. Sen'

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    Induced conductivity at the surface of contact between metals.S. D. Chatterjee & S. K. Sen - 1958 - Philosophical Magazine 3 (32):839-852.
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    An Introduction to Aristotle's Poetics.James K. Feibleman & S. C. Sen Gupta - 1972 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 31 (2):279.
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    Cascade decay of a heavy K-meson.S. N. Sen Gupta & M. S. Sinha - 1957 - Philosophical Magazine 2 (19):936-938.
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  4. Health Achievement and Equity: External and Internal Perspectives.Amartya Sen, S. Anand, F. Peter & A. K. Sen - 2004 - In Sudhir Anand (ed.), Public Health, Ethics, and Equity. Oxford University Press UK.
  5. Nonlinear evolution of magnetic islands in a turbulent plasma.K. Takeda, S. Benkadda, O. Agullo, A. Sen, X. Garbet, P. K. Kaw & N. Bian - 2005 - In Alan F. Blackwell & David MacKay (eds.), Power. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 5.
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  6. Russell's Philosophy of Language.A. K. Sen - 2006 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 33 (3/4):301.
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    Personal Utilities and Public Judgements: Or What's Wrong With Welfare Economics.Amartya K. Sen - 1979 - Economic Journal 89 (355):537-558.
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    Hume's Law and Hare's rule.Amartya K. Sen - 1966 - Philosophy 41 (155):75 - 79.
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    Hat Sanatında Özgür Yorum: Karalamalar.Mehmet Memi̇ş & Öznur İsen - 2023 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 18 (2):351-377.
    Güzellik ve sanat iç içe geçmiş iki kavramdır. Bir bakıma güzellik, sanatın özüdür denilebilir. Her sanat dalında olduğu gibi hat sanatında da güzeli arama arzusu ve eşsiz eserler ortaya koyma çabası, hattatları sabırla çalışmaya ve kendi sınırlarını zorlamaya sevk etmiştir. Bir kitap sanatı olan hüsn-i hattın kelime manasının “güzel yazı” olmasına mukabil, daha iyisini yazmak uğruna harcanan çaba yorucu ve zahmetlidir, ancak sabırla çalışan elbette ki karşılığını alır. Başka bir deyişle “Muhakkak ki Allah güzeldir, güzeli sever!” hadis-i şerifi ışığında bu (...)
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    On The Root Word Of ‘Sık’.Serkan ŞEN - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:513-517.
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  11. Tachikawa, Musashi, "The Structure of the World in Udayana's Realism". A Study of the "Laksanavali" and the "Kiranavali". [REVIEW]P. K. Sen - 1983 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 11:315.
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  12. A brief history of population control and contraception.Vern L. Bullough, Bonnie Bullough, M. J. Alhabeeb, R. Barlow, A. Sen, S. Begley, M. Hager, V. Chen, G. Piel & K. O. Emery - 1994 - Free Inquiry 14 (2):16-22.
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    Making Sen’s capability approach operational: a random scale framework.John K. Dagsvik - 2013 - Theory and Decision 74 (1):75-105.
    Amartya Sen has developed the so-called capability approach to meet the criticism that income alone may be insufficient as a measure of economic inequality. This is because knowledge about people’s income does not tell us what they are able to acquire with that income. For example, people with the same income may not have the same access to health and transportation services, schools and opportunities in the labor market. Recently, there has been growing interest in empirical studies based on the (...)
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    Is poverty a matter of perspective? Significance of Amartya Sen for the church’s response to poverty: A public practical theological reflection.Noah K. Tenai - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (2):1-10.
    Poverty continues to present an enormous challenge to the well-being of humanity. Different frameworks on poverty tend to identify different persons as poor, impacting on efforts to fight poverty. The church as a role player in the public domain needs a framework that can assist it in its task of working for salvation and liberation in the face of overwhelming poverty. Acombined framework, from Amartya Sen’s entitlement approach and capability approach, is amalgamated and suggested as an integrated framework that could (...)
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    Osmanlı Dönemi Arap Şairlerinden Ahmed el-Behlûl ve Hz. Peygamber’e Methiyelerinde Muhteva.Ahmet ŞEN - 2019 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 5 (2):837-870.
    17. yy. da Osmanlıların bir eyaleti olan Trablusgarb’da doğup büyüyen Ahmed b. Huseyn el-Behlûl, Mısır’ın önemli ilim adamlarından eğitim almış sonra memleketine dönmüştür. Osmanlı dönemi şairi Ahmed el-Behlûl, şairlik yönünün yanı sıra Akâid sahasında Durretu’l-‘Akâi’d, Fıkıh sahasında el-Mu‘ayyene ve el-‘Izziyye ve Arap Dili ve Edebiyatı sahasında el-Makâmetu’l-Vitriyye gibi eserleri telif ederek çeşitli sahalarla ilgilenmiş bir âlimdir. Behlûl, ed-Durru’l-Asfâ ve’z-Zebercedu’l-Musaffâ fî Medhi’l-Mustafâ ismiyle meşhur divânını tamamıyla Hz. Muhammed’i medhe tahsis etmiştir. Başta Libya olmak üzere Kuzey Afrika’da meşhur olan Divan, Kâdî ‘İyâz’ın (...)
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    Rationality and morality: A reply. [REVIEW]AmartyaK Sen - 1977 - Erkenntnis 11 (1):225 - 232.
    The paper examines problems for rationality and morality arising out of prisoners' dilemma. Section I criticizes a k sen's attempt to elimate, By variations of preference patterns, The clash between individual rationality and individual or social optimality. Section ii rejects sen's account of morality as a moral ordering of preferences over outcomes, Because it fails to resolve the conflict raised by prisoners' dilemma between individual and social optimality and creates a new conflict between rationality and individual optimality. Section iii sketches (...)
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    Discours Des Droits De L’homme Au Sens D’un Retour A Aristote.John K. Park - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 3:232-237.
    It is interesting to see Aristotle's observation of natural law in order to renew the ideal of law against the Marxist theory of society, to renounce the normative theory of the nation, and to study the liberal theory of information. All this allows us to expect the realization of social justice and human rights from the institutionalization of markets and the precondition of the boundary of the general culture, namely the communitarian ethics and the moral reformation against the genealogist tradition. (...)
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    In Search of Individual and Social Sense.K. Kowacki - 2023 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 23:14-24.
    _Purpose._ The author of this article aims to present and analyze the views of Józef Maria Bocheński concerning the issue of the question of life’s sense based on the text "Sens życia i inne eseje". From the philosopher’s reflections under the theme of the impossibility of life’s sense in the case of community, the author analyzes Ukrainian society and tries to find an answer to the question, can the human community’s sense exist? Among the tasks are the following: to apply (...)
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  19. Preference, choice, and rationality : Amartya Sen's critique of the theory of rational choice in economics.Shatakshee Dhongde & Prasanta K. Pattanaik - 2009 - In Christopher W. Morris (ed.), Amartya Sen. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Modernity out of joint: global democracy and Asian values in Jürgen Habermas and Amartya K. Sen.Emanuela Fornari - 2007 - Aurora, Colo.: Davies Group.
    Global cultures, local ethics -- Modernity and the West's self-understanding : the discursive paradigm -- Pluriversal justice : Amartya Sen and the capabilities approach.
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    Über Das verhältnis Von phänomen und dem zugeordneten gignomen zu einander im lebewesen.K. Friederichs - 1957 - Acta Biotheoretica 12 (2):115-134.
    The author refers to his book “Die Selbstgestaltung des Lebendigen, synoptische Theorie des Lebens als ein Beitrag zu den philosophischen Grundlagen der Naturwissenschaft” and comments some basic theses of it, namely the body-soul-relation, the gestalt and the problem of the “soul” of the plant and the significance of these conceptions for the description and the understanding of the realizing itself of the living being. The Author prefers not to call a soul the transcendent order which is propre to a plant, (...)
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    The Liberal Paradox: Some Interpretations When Rights Are Represented As Game Forms.Prasanta K. Pattanaik - 1996 - Analyse & Kritik 18 (1):38-53.
    The paper seeks to interpret the liberal paradox in a framework where individual rights are represented as game forms. Several close counterparts, in this framework, of Sen’s theorem are considered, and their intuitive significance is discussed.
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  23. Le destin de l’humanisme est-il achevé?K. Sosoe Lukas - 2016 - le Portique. Revue de Philosophie Et de Sciences Humaines 37.
    L’objet de la présente contribution est d’examiner les relations qu’établissent plusieurs auteurs entre l’amélioration de l’homme, la nature humaine et l’humanisme. Après avoir défini un sens faible et un sens fort du transhumanisme, nous y avons opposé deux critiques, celle de J. Habermas et de M. Sandel, en prenant l’exemple le plus discuté dans la littérature : la possibilité d’améliorer génétiquement son enfant et avons montré qu’elles ne sont pas convaincantes : le recours au concept de la nature humaine à (...)
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    Universalité culturelle des sciences et des techniques.Mohamad K. Salhab (ed.) - 2012 - Dijon: Édition Universitaires de Dijon.
    La "technologie" est au coeur de notre vie sans que souvent nous en ayons conscience. D'où la question de l'unité de cette technologie à travers de multiples disciplines. C'est à cette interrogation que tentent de répondre les échanges internationaux organisés par l'Université libano-française de Tripoli. Trois notions-clefs sont au coeur du débat : la reconnaissance de la sphère technique dans la culture ; l'existence de mécanismes de classification et normalisation d'un savoir et d'un langage spécifique grâce à la culture et (...)
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    Ebü’s-Sen' Şemseddin el-İsfah'nî’de Tenzîhî Sıfatlar ve Aklî Arazların Allah’ın Z'tından Tenzîhi.Yusuf Arikaner - 2020 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 6 (1):313-332.
    Kelâm tarihi göz önüne alındığında belli parametrelere göre farklı dönemlere ayrıldığı görülmektedir. Bunlardan en çok bilinen dönemlendirmeye göre Cüveynî ile başlayan kelâmın felsefileşme evresi Gazzâlî ile ivme kazanmış ve Fahreddîn er-Râzî ile kemale ermiştir. Felsefi dönem kelâm âlimlerinden birisi de Ebü’s-Senâ el-İsfahânî’dir. Kelâmın yönteminin kusursuzlaşması ve delillerinin kesinliğinin artması noktasında kaleme aldığı eserleriyle bu alana yaptığı katkı göz ardı edilemeyecek durumdadır. Kelâmın felsefileşmesiyle beraber içerik ve yöntem olarak değişen konulardan biri olan tenzîhî sıfatlar meselesinde İsfahânî’nin felsefi yöntemi kullandığı bariz bir (...)
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    Presuppositions of India's Philosophies.S. K. Saksena - 1963 - Philosophy East and West 13 (3):265-268.
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    “Toilet Paper” (a.k.a. Artifactuailty and Duchamp’s Fountain).S. K. Wertz - 1986 - Southwest Philosophy Review 3:5-18.
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    Reduction of second‐order logic to modal logic.S. K. Thomason - 1975 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 21 (1):107-114.
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    (2 other versions)Reduction of tense logic to modal logic. I.S. K. Thomason - 1974 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 39 (3):549-551.
  30. The context principle and some indian controversies over meaning.B. K. Matilal & P. K. Sen - 1988 - Mind 97 (385):73-97.
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    Berkeley’s Chimeras: A Comment on Hill.S. K. Wertz - 2000 - Southwest Philosophy Review 16 (2):201-204.
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    Collingwood's Logic of Question and Answer Revisited.S. K. Wertz - 2015 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 21 (2):185-200.
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  33. Quine's Revisionism: Re-entry into Immunity.S. K. Wertz - 1987 - International Logic Review 35:37.
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    Is Hume's Use of Evidence as Bad as Norton Says It Is?S. K. Wertz - 1982 - Philosophical Topics 13 (9999):79-86.
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  35. Taste and Food in Rousseau's Julie, or the New Heloise.S. K. Wertz - 2013 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 47 (3):24-35.
    What are the historical origins of aesthetic education? One of these comes from the eighteenth century. This became an important theme in a novel of the time. Published in 1761, Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s Julie, or the New Heloise: Letters of Two Lovers Who Live in a Small Town at the Foot of the Alps1 was an instant success in eighteenth-century Europe. Widely read, the novel made European culture self-conscious and forced it to pay attention to aspects of living that had gone (...)
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    Eating and Dining: Collingwood's Anthropology.S. K. Wertz - 2017 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 23 (2):247-258.
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    Probability and Lycan’s Paradox.S. K. Wertz - 1988 - Southwest Philosophy Review 4 (2):85-85.
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    Reference in Anselm's Ontological Proof.S. K. Wertz - 1990 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 7 (2):143 - 157.
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    Against the Tide: The Philosophical Foundations of Modern Management.S. K. Chakraborty - 2003 - Oxford University Press.
    This volume is a collection of S.K. Chakraborty's papers on the east-west distinction in worldviews. The essays are reflective and deliberate upon philosophical diferences and attitudes of thinkers that have shaped the behavior of the common man, both in and out of the workplace.
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    Revel’s Conception of Cuisine.S. K. Wertz - 2000 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 14 (1):91-96.
    Jean-François Revel is the first philosopher to take food seriously and to offer a topology for food practices. He draws a distinction between different kinds of cuisine -- popular (regional) cuisine and erudite (professional) cuisine. With this distinction, he traces the evolution of food practices from the ancient Greeks and Romans, down through the Middle Ages, and into the Renaissance and the Modern Period. His contribution has been acknowledged by Deane Curtin who offers an interpretation of Revel’s conceptual scheme along (...)
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  41.  87
    On constructing instants from events.S. K. Thomason - 1984 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 13 (1):85 - 96.
  42. Sarikara's Concept of Adhyasa: A Textual Interpretation.S. K. Chattopadyaya - 1986 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 101 (4):473-502.
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    Autobiography of a Yogi.S. K. Saksena - 1951 - Philosophy East and West 1 (2):78-79.
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    Relational models for the modal syllogistic.S. K. Thomason - 1997 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 26 (2):129-141.
    An interpretation of Aristotle's modal syllogistic is proposed which is intuitively graspable, if only formally correst. The individuals to which a term applies, and possibly-applies, are supposed to be determined in a uniform way by the set of individuals to which the term necessarily-applies.
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    The Spirit of Indian Philosophy.S. K. Maitra - 1949 - Philosophical Review 58 (4):383-385.
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    The Varieties of Cheating.S. K. Wertz - 1981 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 8 (1):19-40.
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    People and Politics in Early Mediaeval India.L. S. & Asit Kumar Sen - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (2):379.
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    Hume's Aesthetic Realism.S. K. Wertz - 2006 - Southwest Philosophy Review 22 (2):53-61.
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    Novak's Analogies.S. K. Wertz - 1979 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 6 (1):79-85.
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    Sot︠s︡ialʹno-filosofskie osnovanii︠a︡ obrazovanii︠a︡: monografii︠a︡.S. K. Buldakov - 2000 - Kostroma: Kostromskoĭ gos. universitet.
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